
Capturing the beauty and essence of wildlife through photography is a pursuit that demands dedication, skill, and above all, patience.
As any wildlife photographer will tell you, the most extraordinary moments in the animal kingdom often unfold when you least expect them.
When photographing animals, especially birds, it pays to be patient.

I have perches set up throughout the Garden Studio, places for birds to land while en route to the feeders.
Most birds like to land on a branch or perch near the feeder before making the final hop to get some seeds.
The reason they do this is to allow the bird the opportunity to look around and make sure it’s safe.
It’s trial and error to get the perches the right height and distance from the feeder so the birds will use them.
I’ve moved perches around the Garden many times before finding the right spot.

Once the perch I wanted to focus on was in the proper place and I was happy with the location, I filled the feeders and began the next phase.
What is the next phase, you ask?
The long wait.
I sat in my hideaway and waited for a bird to land on exactly the right spot for me to get the precise shot I wanted.



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