Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, and Gourds

Here at the Garden Studio, we're passionate about bird photography and have created a habitat that attracts various bird species, including red-bellied woodpeckers. As we transition into Autumn, we shift…

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Photographing Downy Woodpeckers

Downy Woodpeckers are small, active birds that are often seen foraging for insects in trees. They are also known for their distinctive drumming sound, which they use to communicate and…

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Do you need a new camera

There are a few things to consider when deciding if you need a new camera:   The age of your current camera. If your camera is more than 5 years…

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Capturing the beauty and essence of wildlife through photography is a pursuit that demands dedication, skill, and above all, patience. As any wildlife photographer will tell you, the most extraordinary…

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The Rewards of Patience

While the waiting game in nature photography can be challenging, the rewards are immeasurable. A patient photographer is often rewarded with shots that evoke emotion, tell a story, and connect…

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