Finding Inspiration and Wildlife Wonders at the House of Zen

There’s a constant source of awe in my life: the breathtaking beauty of the natural world.
When I bought the House of Zen and built the Garden Studio, it wasn’t just the house itself that drew me in.
It was the vibrant symphony of life happening right outside my window.
The chance to witness a kaleidoscope of creatures up close was a major reason, if not the biggest reason, for this move.

Nature is where I find inspiration and a true sense of belonging.
Spending my days photographing woodpeckers (like the one in the photo!), bobcats, foxes, coyotes, the occasional bear, and the countless other animals that grace the Zen property with their presence – it’s simply magical.

As a conservationist and wildlife photographer, this place is a dream come true.
Nestled amidst the forest on three sides, with a game trail leading right down to a flowing stream at the back, it offers the perfect setting to observe and document the wonders of the wild.

Honestly, what more could I ask for?

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