It’s Breeding Season (part one)

Late January through early March is coyote mating season. Coyotes are very active during the winter while courting mates and defending their territory. Coyotes are in every city and town…

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Waiting for December

So here in Massachusetts, the bear activity grinds to a near halt in December as the bears settle into their dens and drift off into a state called torpor. While…

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So much for Gourd season

Gourds are a versatile and beautiful fruit that can be used for a variety of purposes, we use them as bird feeders. But when bear season begins, it's time to…

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It’s Finally Gourd Season

As previously mentioned, we like to experiment with natural elements for feeding and photographing birds. One of my personal favorite things to use as feeders are gourds; pumpkins, squash, and…

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