Category: Tips from the House of Zen

  • Restaurant-Worthy Photos with Your iPhone: Food Photography Tips

    Restaurant-Worthy Photos with Your iPhone: Food Photography Tips

    These days, everyone is a food photographer! In the age of social media, we are constantly bombarded with mouthwatering images of dishes. But how do you take those restaurant-quality photos with just your phone?

    The good news is that you don’t need fancy equipment to capture stunning food photos. With a little know-how and your trusty iPhone, you can elevate your food snaps to a whole new level.

    Here are some tips to get you started:

    • Light is Everything: Natural light is your best friend when it comes to food photography. Avoid using flash, as it can cast harsh shadows and make your food look unappetizing. Instead, find a well-lit spot by a window or step outside for some sunshine. If you must use artificial light, opt for warm white bulbs for a more flattering look.

    • Play with Composition: Don’t just plop your plate down in the center of the frame and snap a pic. Think about how you can arrange the elements of your dish to create a visually interesting photo. The rule of thirds is a great guideline to follow. Imagine dividing your phone screen into a tic-tac-toe grid. Place the most important elements of your dish where the lines intersect.

    • Find Your Angle: Most people instinctively shoot food from above. While this is a perfectly fine option, don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles. Sometimes getting down low or shooting from the side can create a more dynamic image.

    • Frame Your Shot: Use the background to your advantage. A clean, uncluttered background won’t distract from the food. If you’re at a restaurant, consider blurring the background slightly to put more emphasis on the dish.

    • Focus on Details: Food photography is all about capturing the details that make a dish look delicious. Close-up shots of juicy steak, melty cheese, or fresh garnishes can really make your mouth water.

    • Editing Magic: There are a variety of photo editing apps available for iPhone that can help you take your food photos to the next level. A quick and easy edit can adjust the lighting, enhance colors, and make your food look even more appealing.

    Bonus Tip: Plate like a Pro!

    While the taste is what truly matters, the presentation also goes a long way.
    Take a moment to arrange the food on your plate before snapping a photo.
    Scatter a few colorful garnishes around the dish, or drizzle a sauce artistically.

  • Mating Season (part two)

    Mating Season (part two)

    Bobcats breed from February through March.
    They are polygamous and do not form lasting pair bonds.
    The young are born after a 62-day gestation period in April or May.
    Females produce one litter each year consisting of 1–4 kittens, with an average litter size of 2.
    The female is the exclusive provider and the male does not participate in raising the young.
    At birth, the kittens are blind and helpless but have a thick spotted fur coat.

    The kittens are born in a den lined with dried grass, leaves, moss, and other soft vegetation that the female scrapes into the den.
    Dens are in rock crevices, under rocky ledges, in caves, brush piles, or in hollow trees, stumps, or logs.
    Females may use the same den sites for several years in a row. The female nurses the kittens until they reach two months of age.
    At one month, the young begin taking solid food and venturing from the den.
    The young remain with the adult female until they are fully grown, usually through their first fall or winter.
    Females reach sexual maturity at one year, although they do not typically produce their first litter until two years of age.
    Males do not reach sexual maturity until two years of age.
    Bobcats live an average of twelve years in the wild, and females produce one litter per year until death.
    Although some young fall prey to owls, coyotes, and adult male bobcats, food abundance is the primary factor affecting the survival of both kittens and juvenile bobcats.
    Bobcats are an important natural resource in Massachusetts.

  • It’s Breeding Season (part one)

    It’s Breeding Season (part one)

    Late January through early March is coyote mating season. Coyotes are very active during the winter while courting mates and defending their territory. Coyotes are in every city and town in mainland Massachusetts, meaning the opportunity for human-coyote interaction is high. The mere presence of a coyote is not a cause for concern. MassWildlife officials are reminding the public to take these 3 simple steps to prevent conflict with coyotes during the mating season: 

    1. Protect your pets

    • Pets should always be directly supervised on a leash when outdoors, especially during the coyote mating season. 
    • Coyotes can’t differentiate between their natural prey and small pets, so they will view unprotected outdoor cats and small dogs as a potential food source.   
    • Coyotes can’t distinguish your dog from an intruding coyote, causing the coyote to be more aggressive toward medium- and large-sized dogs as they will view them as potential competition for mates and territory.  
    • Do not supervise your pet from a distance on your porch or at your backdoor. Most coyote attacks involve dogs that are unsupervised or being supervised from a distance in a backyard.  
  • So much for Gourd season

    So much for Gourd season

    Gourds are a versatile and beautiful fruit that can be used for a variety of purposes, we use them as bird feeders.
    But when bear season begins, it’s time to bring gourd season to a quick end.

    Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals.
    And while they’re not typically aggressive toward humans, they will be attracted to any food source they can find.
    That includes gourds, which are sweet and nutritious.

    The other night we were alerted by our many security cameras that something was on our property.
    Upon viewing the live video we were very surprised by what we saw, a large Black Bear, strolling through the Garden studio.
    She headed over to our hanging gourd bird feeder knocked it down and began feeding on the seeds and the pumpkin that contained them.

    We were able to watch it all unfold live and I have to say, I was thrilled!
    This was the first confirmed Black Bear on our property.
    Black Bears are the largest predators in Massachusetts, so it was a happy day for me.
    I have now captured images of Fishers, Grey Foxes, Red Foxes, Coyotes, Bobcats, and a Black Bear.
    My hope is that like all of the others, the bear will come back regularly.
    But I suspect she will not, she was clearly pregnant and fattening up for the Torpor.

    I should explain that Bears do not truly hibernate, but they do enter a state of deep sleep called torpor.
    Torpor is a natural adaptation that helps bears conserve energy during the winter months when food is scarce.
    During torpor, a bear’s heart rate, breathing rate, and metabolic rate slow down significantly.
    Their body temperature also drops slightly, but not as much as it does in true hibernation.

    Bears typically enter torpor in late fall and emerge in the spring, when food is more plentiful.
    The length of time a bear spends in torpor varies depending on the species and the climate.
    Bears in colder climates tend to remain in this state for longer periods of time.

    While bears are in torpor, they do not eat, drink, or urinate.
    They also do not defecate, or at least not very often.
    Instead, bears recycle their waste products and use them for energy.

    Bears in torpor are not completely asleep.
    They can wake up briefly to move around or change position in their den.
    Mothers with cubs may even wake up to nurse their young.

    So, while bears do not truly hibernate, they do enter a state of deep sleep that allows them to conserve energy and survive the winter months.
    Males may awaken periodically and exit their den to wander around and forage.

  • It’s Finally Gourd Season

    It’s Finally Gourd Season

    As previously mentioned, we like to experiment with natural elements for feeding and photographing birds.
    One of my personal favorite things to use as feeders are gourds; pumpkins, squash, and anything large enough to hollow out and fill with feed.
    The squash didn’t really work out as well as I had hoped, but the pumpkins have always been reliable.
    It took a few days but the Nuthatches have found the pumpkin feeder and seem to love it. 
    We’ll be putting more pumpkins out as the season rolls on.
    The woodpeckers, on the other hand, haven’t warmed up to the pumpkin yet.
    They seem to prefer the natural tree branch feeder.

  • Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, and Gourds

    Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, and Gourds

    Here at the Garden Studio, we’re passionate about bird photography and have created a habitat that attracts various bird species, including red-bellied woodpeckers.

    As we transition into Autumn, we shift our focus to birds such as woodpeckers, cardinals, and bluejays, which are prevalent during this season.

    We still enjoy visits from tufted titmice, dark-eyed juncos, and black-capped chickadees, but Autumn is the season to focus on the larger birds.

    Our unique approach involves using hollowed-out gourds as feeders to provide a more natural and rustic appearance in our bird-friendly habitat.


    To attract woodpeckers and similar species, we fill these gourds with suet, a high-energy food source that is especially appreciated during the Autumn and Winter months.

    Photographing red-bellied woodpeckers is a rewarding and challenging endeavor for bird photography enthusiasts.

    You can capture stunning images of these charismatic birds by understanding these birds’ habits, using the right equipment, and employing patient and respectful techniques.

    As we at the Garden Studio shift our focus to these avian wonders during the Autumn season, we hope our tips and insights will inspire you to embark on your own bird photography adventure.

    Remember to be patient, and respectful, and always embrace the beauty of nature in your photographic pursuits.

    Happy birding!


