Category: Wildlife

  • So much for Gourd season

    So much for Gourd season

    Gourds are a versatile and beautiful fruit that can be used for a variety of purposes, we use them as bird feeders.
    But when bear season begins, it’s time to bring gourd season to a quick end.

    Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals.
    And while they’re not typically aggressive toward humans, they will be attracted to any food source they can find.
    That includes gourds, which are sweet and nutritious.

    The other night we were alerted by our many security cameras that something was on our property.
    Upon viewing the live video we were very surprised by what we saw, a large Black Bear, strolling through the Garden studio.
    She headed over to our hanging gourd bird feeder knocked it down and began feeding on the seeds and the pumpkin that contained them.

    We were able to watch it all unfold live and I have to say, I was thrilled!
    This was the first confirmed Black Bear on our property.
    Black Bears are the largest predators in Massachusetts, so it was a happy day for me.
    I have now captured images of Fishers, Grey Foxes, Red Foxes, Coyotes, Bobcats, and a Black Bear.
    My hope is that like all of the others, the bear will come back regularly.
    But I suspect she will not, she was clearly pregnant and fattening up for the Torpor.

    I should explain that Bears do not truly hibernate, but they do enter a state of deep sleep called torpor.
    Torpor is a natural adaptation that helps bears conserve energy during the winter months when food is scarce.
    During torpor, a bear’s heart rate, breathing rate, and metabolic rate slow down significantly.
    Their body temperature also drops slightly, but not as much as it does in true hibernation.

    Bears typically enter torpor in late fall and emerge in the spring, when food is more plentiful.
    The length of time a bear spends in torpor varies depending on the species and the climate.
    Bears in colder climates tend to remain in this state for longer periods of time.

    While bears are in torpor, they do not eat, drink, or urinate.
    They also do not defecate, or at least not very often.
    Instead, bears recycle their waste products and use them for energy.

    Bears in torpor are not completely asleep.
    They can wake up briefly to move around or change position in their den.
    Mothers with cubs may even wake up to nurse their young.

    So, while bears do not truly hibernate, they do enter a state of deep sleep that allows them to conserve energy and survive the winter months.
    Males may awaken periodically and exit their den to wander around and forage.

  • It’s Finally Gourd Season

    It’s Finally Gourd Season

    As previously mentioned, we like to experiment with natural elements for feeding and photographing birds.
    One of my personal favorite things to use as feeders are gourds; pumpkins, squash, and anything large enough to hollow out and fill with feed.
    The squash didn’t really work out as well as I had hoped, but the pumpkins have always been reliable.
    It took a few days but the Nuthatches have found the pumpkin feeder and seem to love it. 
    We’ll be putting more pumpkins out as the season rolls on.
    The woodpeckers, on the other hand, haven’t warmed up to the pumpkin yet.
    They seem to prefer the natural tree branch feeder.

  • Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, and Gourds

    Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, and Gourds

    Here at the Garden Studio, we’re passionate about bird photography and have created a habitat that attracts various bird species, including red-bellied woodpeckers.

    As we transition into Autumn, we shift our focus to birds such as woodpeckers, cardinals, and bluejays, which are prevalent during this season.

    We still enjoy visits from tufted titmice, dark-eyed juncos, and black-capped chickadees, but Autumn is the season to focus on the larger birds.

    Our unique approach involves using hollowed-out gourds as feeders to provide a more natural and rustic appearance in our bird-friendly habitat.


    To attract woodpeckers and similar species, we fill these gourds with suet, a high-energy food source that is especially appreciated during the Autumn and Winter months.

    Photographing red-bellied woodpeckers is a rewarding and challenging endeavor for bird photography enthusiasts.

    You can capture stunning images of these charismatic birds by understanding these birds’ habits, using the right equipment, and employing patient and respectful techniques.

    As we at the Garden Studio shift our focus to these avian wonders during the Autumn season, we hope our tips and insights will inspire you to embark on your own bird photography adventure.

    Remember to be patient, and respectful, and always embrace the beauty of nature in your photographic pursuits.

    Happy birding!



  • Photographing Downy Woodpeckers

    Photographing Downy Woodpeckers

    Downy Woodpeckers are small, active birds that are often seen foraging for insects in trees.
    They are also known for their distinctive drumming sound, which they use to communicate and defend their territory.
    Downy Woodpeckers can be a challenge to photograph, but with a little patience and planning, it is possible to capture some great images of these fascinating birds.

    Here are some tips for photographing Downy Woodpeckers:

    Use a telephoto lens. Downy Woodpeckers are small birds, so it is important to use a telephoto lens to get close-up shots. A lens with a focal length of at least 300mm is ideal.

    Find a good spot. Downy Woodpeckers are often found in wooded areas, but they can also be seen in parks and suburban yards.
    Look for a spot where you can see the birds foraging or drumming.

    Be patient. Downy Woodpeckers are active birds, but they can also be quite shy.
    Be patient and wait for the birds to come to you.

    Use a fast shutter speed. Downy Woodpeckers move quickly, so you will need to use a fast shutter speed to freeze their motion.
    A shutter speed of 1/500th of a second or faster is recommended.
    A good guideline to follow is to shoot at a shutter speed equal to or greater than the focal distance; if your focal distance is 500mm then you should start at a shutter speed of 1/500th or more.
    This is just a guideline and is less important with modern cameras.

    Experiment with different settings. Try different camera settings to see what works best for you.

    Here are some additional tips that may help you capture even better photos of Downy Woodpeckers:

    I find it important to Focus on the eye.
    The eye is one of the most important elements of a bird photo.
    When focusing, try to focus on the bird’s eye to get a sharp and detailed image.

    Use natural light. Natural light is always best for bird photography.
    If you are shooting in low light, try to use a high ISO setting.
    Keep in mind that while increasing ISO will increase the amount of light the camera sensor receives, it also increases graininess (noise).

    Be respectful of the birds. Do not disturb the birds or get too close.
    If the birds seem stressed, back away and try again later.

    Here are some ideas for creative Downy Woodpecker photos:

    Capture the bird in action. Photograph the birds foraging, drumming, or flying.

    Use a shallow depth of field to blur the background. This will help to make the bird stand out.

    Use a creative angle or perspective. Try shooting from below or from the side to get a unique perspective.

    Include other elements in the photo. For example, you could photograph the bird with a flower, a leaf, or a branch.
    I have a garden area set up in my yard that I change seasonally to attract various birds.
    It’s set up in a way that allows me to take natural-looking photos of the various critters that come through.
    The photo on the left shows one of my setups, a log hanging from a shepherd’s crook with a strip of parachord. 
    On the right, when cropped in it looks like a tree branch.
    Woodpeckers, Blues Jays, and Cardinals are attracted to Sunflower seeds and suet, so there’s plenty of that in our Graden Studio. 
    This year we even started growing our own Sunflowers to create a more natural setting.

    With a little patience and creativity, you can capture some amazing photos of Downy Woodpeckers.

  • Patience

    Capturing the beauty and essence of wildlife through photography is a pursuit that demands dedication, skill, and above all, patience.
    As any wildlife photographer will tell you, the most extraordinary moments in the animal kingdom often unfold when you least expect them.
    When photographing animals, especially birds, it pays to be patient.

    I have perches set up throughout the Garden Studio, places for birds to land while en route to the feeders.
    Most birds like to land on a branch or perch near the feeder before making the final hop to get some seeds.
    The reason they do this is to allow the bird the opportunity to look around and make sure it’s safe.
    It’s trial and error to get the perches the right height and distance from the feeder so the birds will use them.
    I’ve moved perches around the Garden many times before finding the right spot.

    Once the perch I wanted to focus on was in the proper place and I was happy with the location, I filled the feeders and began the next phase.
    What is the next phase, you ask?
    The long wait.
    I sat in my hideaway and waited for a bird to land on exactly the right spot for me to get the precise shot I wanted.



  • The Rewards of Patience

    While the waiting game in nature photography can be challenging, the rewards are immeasurable.
    A patient photographer is often rewarded with shots that evoke emotion, tell a story, and connect viewers with the wonders of the natural world.
    These images become a testament to the power and beauty of nature and inspire a broader appreciation for conservation efforts.

    Nature photography is an art that requires not just technical expertise and creativity but also an abundance of patience.
    Photographers who immerse themselves in the natural world and embrace the waiting process are often the ones who capture the most captivating and memorable shots.
    In the end, it’s not just about the final photograph but also the experience of being present in nature, witnessing its wonders, and cultivating a deeper understanding of the world around us.

    So, the next time you come across an awe-inspiring nature photograph, take a moment to appreciate the dedication and patience of the photographer behind the lens, who waited tirelessly for something magical to appear.
